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In order to begin developing an engineering project, the Engineer requires some necessary documents from the property owner.

  • Collection of information regarding the owner and land/parcel:
  • Identity Card/Passport and tax registration information (VAT)
  • Property Titles: Property contract accompanied by its plat and cadastral information, when available
  • Documents regarding the property: For example, any prior permit with its plans, road designs, authorizations from services, etc.

  • New land/parcel measurement
  • Declaration of assignment/assumption: the owner declares via a solemn statement that

the issuance of the permit is assigned to the engineer

  • Pre-design study
  • Forest Inspectorate Certificate
  • Archaeological Service Certificate
  • Final form of the study
    • Architectural study
  • Request of building approval from the urban planning service (Phase 1)
    • Complimentary studies
    • Structural design
    • Electromechanical study
    • Surroundings study
    • Fire safety study
    • Heating/Air conditioning study
    • Payment Information (engineer’s payment, state fees) *


  • Permit approval (phase 2-final phase, control of the fore mentioned studies and payments)
  • Beginning of operations

 Once all the necessary authorizations have been obtained, we can proceed to the building permit issuance process, through structural, mechanical and tax inspection.

* More specifically, regarding tax inspection, it is necessary to produce the following documents and payment receipts:
-Engineers’ fees dossier: Fees per operation are explicitly presented, as well as the way of fees calculation, the permit’s tax information, Social Security Institute (IKA) documents, etc
-Fees’ payment per engineer at each engineer’s special account (With the special fees form provided by the National Bank of Greece)
– EPCPF (Engineers and Public Constructors Pension Fund) payment per engineer (With the special EPCPF form provided by the National Bank of Greece) – EPCPF payment per project budget (With the special EPCPF form provided by the National Bank of Greece)
-Engineer’s Business Tax (ΦΕΜ-EBT) payment per engineer (at the engineer’s fiscal agency)
-Provision of permit’s tax information (Resolution KH, municipality information, etc) at the project’s fiscal agency
-Four copies of the permit document, with every piece of requested information completed

It is noted that regarding the building permit, payment of supervision fees is not necessary. Of course, the fees will have to be paid upon completion of the project, in order for the urban planning service to approve the building permit that will allow the connection of the building to the electricity and water supply networks.

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